Saturday, February 7, 2009

Jumping on the Oblivion Bandwagon

After much thought and a good sized margarita at Chili's, it seem time for me to finally try playing Bethesda's massive RPG 'Obilivion.' For my first post I'll talk about starting the game and creating a character, the beginning of the main story line, and the mage's guild quests.

i'll be playing on a fairly new elite Xbox 360 system that I picked up last fall as the optic drive on my launch system started to fail. I plan on installing the game to the hard drive. My main reason for choosing Xbox over PC or PS3 is that I want to compare the experience to my playthroughs of Mass Effect. And yes, also because I want the points!

No garantees of screen shots as I have no way to capture them from my television at this time! I'll endevor to take some photos with my digital camera and work them up in photoshop to make them presentable.

Look also for a semi-cool header to be showing up as soon as I get the images together!

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